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Keep DC Officials Accountable on the Racial Equity Achieves Results Amendment (REAR) Act of 2019

(See a PDF version of this information)

McDuffie, author of the bill, held one community meeting/hearing with
little notice to DC’s long standing communities. We need more.

The current #REARAct lacks true “racial equity” that may serve
marginalized Washingtonians of whom majority are Black and low income.

Councilman Ward 5 Kenyon McDuffie ( Author of the Bill ): Post @ and DM @CM_McDuffie | Main Office: (202) 724-8028

Councilman Ward 4 Brandon Todd [Election year] : Post @ and DM
@CMBrandonTodd | Main Office: (202) 724-8052 ( Reneged on promise of
Mass Community Hearing)

We want officials to include:

1. a Racial Equity Impact Assessment Statement for future/existing DC laws.”
2. the establishment of an Office of Racial Equity & Social Justice with an annual
3. Operating Budget to support monitoring of DC equity benchmarks.”
4. a clear definition of Racial Equity within this bill.”
5. a mass community based hearing on the bill with notice to DC communities.”