Exploring what racial equity means and how we can achieve it in DC
Achieving Racial Equity
About Racial Equity
What is it? What Does it Look Like? How do We Get There?
Racial Equity is accounting for past and current racial inequities and providing those most impacted by racism with resources and opportunities they need to flourish and thrive.
The most vulnerable are enabled to achieve social mobility and the false ideology of white supremacy is dismantled in all of its legal, political, social, and cultural forms.
We get to racial equity with intentional and sustainable actions designed to repair the structural, institutional and interpersonal damage caused by racism. Read more>>
Achieving Racial Equity
About Racial Equity
What is it? What Does it Look Like? How do We Get There?
Racial Equity is accounting for past and current racial inequities and providing those most impacted by racism with resources and opportunities they need to flourish and thrive.
The most vulnerable are enabled to achieve social mobility and the false ideology of white supremacy is dismantled in all of its legal, political, social, and cultural forms.
We get to racial equity with intentional and sustainable actions designed to repair the structural, institutional and interpersonal damage caused by racism. Read more>>
What you can do:
Keep DC Officials accountable. Find out how>>